October Attendance Stars

October Attendance Stars
Posted on 11/08/2024
October Attendance Stars PRE-K (PM)
Here are some of our attendance stars decorating cookies as their sweet treat for having the best  attendance in October.
October Students Attendance Results Pre-K pm 93.9%
October Student Attendance results 4th gr. 93.49% so close
Every day counts!
It is important to come to school EVERY single day.

November Attendance Incentives
The grade level with the best attendance will…
Have a picture taken and posted to Facebook for all our families to see 
Receive a special treat that the grade level votes on

If any grade level has 95% or better attendance for the entire month, the whole grade level will be invited to a special family event.

Don't forget to check the attendance board every week to see which grade level is winning.
¡Cada día cuenta!
Es importante que asistan a la escuela TODOS los días.

Incentivos de Asistencia en noviembre
A el grado con la mejor asistencia…
Se le tomará una foto para Facebook, así todas las familias los podrán ver.
Los estudiantes recibirán una merienda especial, ellos votarán que prefieren.


Si cualquier grado llega a tener 95% o mejor asistencia por todo el mes, ese grado y sus familias estarán invitados a un evento especial.

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